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For example, the carrier may request a block of connection time satisfying particular service parameter requirements without specifying a price. In that event, server node 56 may identify a block of communication time via one or more routes with the best available price which most closely matches the service parameters requested, forexbox and offer the block to the carrier. In this way, switches can distinguish terminating traffic from transit traffic and set rates for transit traffic without invoking settlement agreement accounting rates. Assume further that the 10 million minutes of purchased connect time described above in connection with FIG.


The server may be programmed to substantially optimize its rate-table database with respect to one or more parameters, such as price, network utilization, return traffic volumes, and others. In decision step 1105, node 44 compares the offer to other potential routes which might be employed to connect the call from calling telephone 2 to called telephone 4. This determination may be based on sophisticated business rules supplied to node 44 by the requesting carrier. 1B, node 44 is provided with a network cost database which stores the carriers internal cost of connecting a call from gateway 22 to the called location. Node 44 might be programmed to accept the offer from server node 56 only if it is 10% less expensive than the network’s own internal cost of completing the call.

Otherwise, if decision step 902 succeeds, international gateway switch 22 passes supervision to originating telecommunication node 44, as depicted in step 906, for routing the call to the terminating location. Preferably, carriers will enter purchase requests via a template 350 which may be accessed at a world-wide-web site maintained by server node 56. Alternatively, carriers who own and maintain international gateway switches, such as switches 22, 26, and 28, may transmit purchase requests to server node 56 via telecommunications nodes 44-48. Server node 56 permits carriers to purchase blocks of connect time to remote locations or to purchase connect time on a transmission-by-transmission basis. In this capacity, server node 56 acts as a clearing house for clearing transactions between provider-carriers who wish to sell connection services and requesting-carriers who wish to purchase connection services. This aspect of the invention facilitates an open market for connection rates allowing a carrier to purchase bandwidth at the lowest available price.

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The system architecture also comprises an originating international gateway switch 22 which routes and carries overseas calls placed from calling telephone 2. Originating international gateway switch 22 forms part of a global network of international gateway switches which includes terminating international gateway switch 24, as well as transit country international gateway switches 26,28. Each pair of gateways in the international gateway network is preferably linked by signalling and transmission lines, represented schematically by lines 30-38.


In step , the routing path is established and the calling party is connected to the called party. Without reconfiguration, the international gateway switches were unable to distinguish incoming terminating traffic from incoming transit traffic or redirect on the fly without human intervention. As a result, all incoming traffic was treated as terminating traffic subject to high settlement agreement accounting rates or was based on existing prenegotiated contracts and links which could not be easily modified. As described in more detail below, the present invention overcomes this drawback of the prior art and permits dynamic routing of transit and terminating traffic to gateway switches in the gateway network or any other network. 9, in step 902, originating international gateway switch 22 determines whether the called location is one to which it may route calls via the global network. If decision step 902 fails, international gateway switch 22 employs alternate means for connecting to the called location, as depicted in step 904.

Alternatively, each node may receive only a subset of the rate-tables calculated by server node 56 on request. For example, nodes in the United States may only receive rate-tables relating to routes originating from the United States. Template 300 may further comprise a boolean via-satellite? As noted below, server node 56 may combine services provided by more than one carrier to create a calling route from a first location to a second location.

A person skilled in the art will understand that a specific selection of choices may be programmed based on a carrier’s specific business needs. For example certain carriers might have an affiliation or a special volume discount with a company providing communication capacity which is available on only one specific server. In such a case, the carrier might first attempt to purchase communication capacity from the specific server which offers the affiliated company’s connections before purchasing capacity on other servers. Node 44 is programmed to implement these business rules supplied to it by the carrier. Illustratively, the system might calculate the costs of five cost-efficient routes connecting each pair of nodes for each defined level of quality and service. These five routes would be ranked according to price, and stored in rate-table database 400 at server node 56.

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Template 300 may further comprise a termination-options field. Illustratively, a carrier might offer fax bypass capability as a termination option. Fax bypass provides a way for substantially decreasing the cost of fax transmissions.

Terminating toll switch 18 is connected to local telephone network 10 via both signalling and transmission, which are jointly schematically represented by line 20. The signalling lines may, for example, form part of the SS7 network. The transmission lines carry voice and data transmissions between local telephone network 10 and originating toll switch 18.

This business consideration can be transmitted to its local node which will evaluate routes proposed by server node 56 in accordance with the transmitted business considerations. Server node 56, however, will generally not have access to these proprietary business considerations, unless the system is a closed network where node 56 is employed to optimize capacity, rather than price, as described, for example, below. In step 1110, server node 56 transmits a confirmation message to node 44, confirming purchase of connect time on the identified routing path. The message also preferably comprises information concerning the port on gateway 22 via which the call is to be routed, as well as destination numbers and other service data necessary to complete the call to the called location.

The illustrative call routing example will now be described in connection with FIG. 1A, assume that the originating location for the call from calling telephone 2 to called telephone 4 is the United States and that originating toll switch 14 and originating international gateway switch 22 are owned and maintained by AT&T™. Assume further that the terminating location for the call is Germany, and that terminating toll switch 18 and terminating international gateway switch 24 are owned and maintained by a German telephone company which is a monopolist.


In step 1008, node 48 initiates a call via international gateway switch 28 to the telephone number of called telephone 4 in Germany. Node 48 may be informed that the call is to be routed to Germany via the SS7 network or alternatively via line 62. The C7 message comprises a code which informs international gateway switch 28 that the call is not for termination in the U.K. (i.e., that the call is a transit call), and instructs switch 28 to pass supervision of the call to telecommunications node 48. 7 will now be described in more detail in connection with the flowchart shown in FIG. 8, in step 802, the caller dials the telephone number of called telephone 4 from calling telephone 2.


In step 512a, server node 56 sends a data message to every carrier participating in the routing path informing the carrier that a buyer has been found for the allocated block of connect time. In step 512b, the provider carriers transmit an authorization message to server node 56, authorizing the transaction. Alternatively, the server node 56 may be preauthorized to sell any time submitted by the carriers to the global network. 1A also shows a terminating toll switch 18 typically maintained by the called party’s long distance provider.

Alternatively, connect time to carry the communication may be purchased at the time of transmission. In this context, server node 56 will frequently be programmed to rank routing paths bolllinger bands according to a parameter other than simple price. For example, the network may rank and allocate routes in a manner designed to maximize utilization of the network facilities.

  • 1B, node 44 is provided with a network cost database which stores the carriers internal cost of connecting a call from gateway 22 to the called location.
  • Nodes are also preferably provided with a business-rules database 95 , for storing business rules, the purpose of which are described below.
  • For example, if the desired utilization is 80% of the purchased capacity, a node will purchase or sell capacity so as to adjust anticipated utilization to 80%.
  • Block user Prevent this user from interacting with your repositories and sending you notifications.
  • In such another embodiment each node would be connected to one or multiple servers.

Furthermore, a node may include a capability to adjust its resources based on the actual and anticipated communication traffic conditions. It is known to keep track of call traffic volume to a given destination and to store measurements of the call volume periodically in a resource utilization database. Such data representing network utilization coupled with other variables, such as time of the day and day of the week, may provide a basis for a reasonable prediction of the capacity utilization during the next time interval, for example the next hour. In the first illustrative example described above, a requesting carrier purchased a block of connect time.

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First, the requesting carrier may transmit an acceptance, in which case server node 56 allocates the connect time to fill the requesting-carrier’s purchase request . In step 520, server node 56 clears the transaction in a manner similar to that described in steps 512a-e. In a multiple server embodiment, each server node 56 may rank potential routing paths in accordance with a particular parameter or set of parameters. Other servers may rank routes in a manner designed to maximize network utilization. A given company may offer its communication capacity on one server or on multiple servers.

For example some carriers may first transact business with servers having lower transaction surcharge, while others may prefer servers that are known for availability of high volumes of connect time for sale. The system then proceeds to step 1002 of the flowchart depicted in FIG. Concurrently, in step 1004, node 44 transmits an SS7 message to international gateway switch 28 via line 34. For purposes of this example, assume that the routing decision made in step of FIG. 7 above is that the call from calling telephone 2 to called telephone 4 should be routed via international gateway switch 28 in the U.K. Thus, as described above, in step a transmission connection is established between calling telephone 2 and originating international gateway switch 22, and supervision for the call is passed to originating international gateway switch 22.

A system and method for flexible and efficient routing of communications transmissions is disclosed. Service providers submit information comprising cost and service parameter data to a centralized server node. The server node evaluates the information and generates a rate-table database comprising efficient routing paths for connecting transmissions between any two locations in a communications switching network. The server may substantially optimize its rate-table database with respect to one or more parameters, such as price, network utilization, return traffic volumes, and others. Service requesters submit service requests to the centralized server node.

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Assume further that international gateway switch 28 is located in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and is operated by British Telecom™ . Finally, assume that international gateway switch 26 is located in Belgium and is operated by Belgacom™, a Belgian carrier. After the system collects rate information from carriers around the world regarding cost and service parameters of routing various classes of calls from a first location to a second location it proceeds to step of FIG. In step , the system evaluates the received information, in particular the service-related information such as transmission quality and reliability, and determines the accuracy of the provided parameters. Since server node 56 acts as the clearing house for telecommunication transactions, it is important that carriers purchasing time from server node 56 trust the accuracy of server node 56’s published service parameters.

The particular C7 code used to inform international gateway switch 28 that the call is a transit call is unimportant as long as the gateway switch is configured to recognize the C7 code as indicating a transit call. At present, however, at least two potential codes for accomplishing this task are contemplated. First, the system may employ a fictitious area code which does not exist in the U.K. As a prefix to the dialed number transmitted as part of the C7 message.

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Then, if anticipated utilization exceeds a desired utilization level, the node would purchase additional capacity, e.g. connect time to a destination, for the next time interval. Conversely if the predicted utilization is lower than desired, node would offer excess minutes during the next time period for sale. As noted, in the above-described embodiments originating node 44 was shown to communicate with server node 56, which constituted a single source of rate information and a single exchange for communication capacity. In other embodiments, however, several servers may be used, which communicate with node 44 in the same or similar way as discussed above. In such another embodiment each node would be connected to one or multiple servers.

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As noted, the template may comprise additional fields not shown in FIG. 3A. For example, template 300 may comprise a field provide-local-termination? Which stores a boolean value indicative of whether the carrier can provide local termination for the call in the location stored in to field 314. Local termination might not be possible for several reasons. For example, termination might be forbidden by local regulation or the carrier might not have the equipment necessary to terminate calls in a particular location.

The server node administers all aspects of the network including authentication of carriers, risk management, financial transactions, settlement, and contract management, and tracking of the physical links connecting different portions of the network. The cumbersome reconfiguration process gives foreign carriers the opportunity to route inbound U.S. traffic via private lines, and otherwise run up settlement umarkets scam balances, without fear of retaliation from U.S. carriers. For international telephone calls, this revenue sharing has traditionally been accomplished through the use of settlement agreements. Settlement agreements typically establish an accounting rate related to the cost of connecting the call between the countries, and specify how the accounting rate will be split between the two carriers.